
Friday, August 31, 2012

Calories, Challenge I done, Challenge II ON!

After the video you can find the formula to calculate your personal calories.  PLEASE!!!  USE IT!!

For Women this is what you do
  1. take 4.35 multiply it by your weight in pounds, write it down
  2. take 4.7 and multiply by your height in inches, write that down
  3. take 4.7 and multiply by your age in years, write that down.
  4. Now add 655 to numbers from step 1 and 2.  Subtract step 3.  Write down that number.
If you want to lose, here is how you figure your defecit:

Your exercise factor is :

  • Sedentary (1.2) - meaning little or no exercise is what you plan on during the week
  • Lightly Active (1.375) - meaning you lightly workout 1-3 days a week
  • Moderately Active (1.55) - Moderate exercise 3-5 days a week (Power walking program)
  • Very Active (1.7) - Hard exercise 6-7 days a week (IE Insanity, P90X, HIIT Training)
  • Extremely Active (1.9) - Hard daily exercise or phyiscal job

Take the number from the first steps (STEP 4) and multiply it by your activity level. What my formula looks like is this.

STEP 1 : 4.35 x 160 = 696
STEP 2 : 4.7 x 59 = 277.3
STEP 3 : 4.7 x 31 = 145.7
STEP 4 : 655 + 696 + 277.3 - 145.7 = 1482.6

I will be doing INSANITY and SPIN class : I will use VERY ACTIVE 1.7 in my formula.

1482.6 x 1.7 = 2520.42


If you want to lose weight - subtract 500 from your above STEP 4
If you want to maintain your weight - do nothing
If you need to gain weight - NOT ME - add 250-300 calories a day.

So my end formula is 2520.42 - 500 = 2020 Calories a day.

This needs to be modified as your activities change, your weight changes more than 10 lbs, or if you start gaining.

Write this in for DAY 1 at the top in your journal/live journal. I hope this helps lay a foundation for you. I know it will count for me. This is why it will be important to COUNT your calories. To make sure our nutrition is feeding our bodies right. If you're too low, you go into starvation and hang onto weight. If you're too high, you won't lose. Once you get stable eating your caloric intake, we will focus on meals that are 40% proteins, 40% carbs and 20% fats. I'll give examples as the weeks go on.

Just don't drink your calories or snack them away wastelessly. We will get results! I promise!

All the best! AMY

Monday, August 27, 2012

Lets Talk About Challenge II a little!

As we draw Challenge One to a close, I realize Challenge Phase two is upon us.  A sneak peek at what to expect.  Also, why what you drink is important and my new favorite tool!

If you're following the challenge but not a facebook friend and want the materials - please let me know and I'll make them available for download!  I wish you all the best that life has to offer!

"Without exception, every person who has an amazing life, used LOVE to achieve it."  ~Rhonda Byrne
(gosh I really dislike the pictures they use for the video)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bit on Love

My daughter's seventh birthday is today and we are currently jamming out to her new Justin Bieber CD.  Yes, for real.  Her favorite song is "All Around The World" - but the message behind the song is that all around the world people just want to be loved.  And that's the truth!  People want and need love in their lives.  It's one of the ways we define ourselves.

I hope you are finding the love and support you deserve in this life.  You are worthy of it.  The most important love that you can find in this life, next to the love from our Creator, is the love you have for yourself.  Truly.  When you can't love yourself, how can you honestly love someone else?  Because in order for you to see good in others, you gotta see it in you too!  

If you are up for good reading and a great book - it's second to my scriptures - I recommend "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne. I listen to it in the mornings on my iPod while I get ready, and I read it when I need to change the way I am thinking or feeling.  It's in the iTunes store for digital download too....

Everything is directly related to how we feel, how we view ourselves, and what we project.  We tell people how to treat us.  Start acting like the priceless and amazing person you are and see what comes back to you!

All the best!


Saturday, August 25, 2012


This is truer than true.
My heart behind my footsteps was much stronger than my muscle pushing me.  Listen to what moves you!  It turns great results!

Go Get It!

Runnin' Dir-tay!!!

Wow - what a flattering picture...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sea Salt Flush FAQ

I cover how, why,and my tips to get a Sea Salt flush to go down.  I believe in it after I did it... Holy cow!

What you will need:

PURE SEA SALT - Iodide free
Warm Filtered/bottled water
1 TSP Measuring spoon
OPT - but I say mandatory - Lemon or Lime Juice - one teaspoon

If you have questions - leave a comment or find me in the support group!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Closing week two!! YAY! And Injuries Boo!

Just a bit of love from my heart to yours!  Don't let ANYTHING stop you from your goals and dreams!  (not even a clumsy fall)  I love you!  Amy

Friday, August 10, 2012

Practice Gratitude in Everything

Make it as regular as waking up and going pee in the morning!  Yep - I said going pee on my blog.  Only because once because we become creatures of habit, do we really work things to their fullest potential.  Once you get the morning routine down, try it while you drive... be grateful for your AC or that you have a car!  Try it before bed... what were you grateful for before you go to bed in a comfortable spot and not on a dirt floor.

I'll post some updates on my measurements tomorrow!  Yipes!  No pressure!

Yours on this journey, Amy

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Headed into week 2!!!

It's all about perspective people!  How you see yourself, what you say to yourself, and what you think to yourself.  Let me explain...

Lets go get this!! XO Amy

Friday, August 3, 2012

30 day challenge day 3 vlog!

The store I bought my wall art at is called Gordmans.  The app I use on my phone to track my runs is called MiCoach as it works for Android users WELL (if you remember to PUSH START ACTIVITY) and it will let me track my sneaker wear and tear!  It's cool.  And uh... I think that's it!
Yours on this fitness journey and beyond!  Amy

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

This mornings thoughts

This morning was not a typical morning by any means.  I didn't sleep well... PTSD still gets me sometimes and I hate that.  It will change though.  I promise you.  But I got some things under my belt that I can share with you that made this a profoundly different morning.

Here is what I posted to my challenge group.  I hope you find this helpful.  The impact you have on others may change the way you see yourself.  I know it did for me this morning, and it has for me this last week.  Go get 'em champ!