
Monday, November 24, 2014


They come in all forms.  Friendships, families, romances, work-based ones, casual ones... they all mean something and give a form of structure to our lives.  I'm grateful for all of the relationships I have with so many people - minus romantic ones... currently not involved in one.

I'm in an odd spot because with my work, I've never met one of my coworkers face to face, but I still care about them a lot.  They're great people.  We share ups and downs.  We celebrate accomplishments and heartache.  It's been a great thing to feel human to people to whom one would feel like just a number.

The other odd spot I am in, I'm single.  It's not that I like being single, but that I have learned to be happy alone.  I think by being happy with myself first, I can just add more joy to my life with the right person.  I do, however, desire for that connection to a person that would include wanting for their joy, seeing them shine, feeling their closeness and being safe, and just - in general - sharing life with someone.  Sometimes, doing things alone after a while gets old and you want a companion.  I've had to learn a lot of patience and faith in God's timing.

I've met some good people, some not so good people, while out in the wild world of dating, but apparently nothing I can keep my hands on, or there are things I just won't compromise this time around.  I cannot repeat the same mistakes I made before.  I set the example for my children, so - I wait.  And wait.  However....

Friendships evolve over the years. People get invested with their families, as they should to a healthy extent. They get busier, but it doesn't mean that they love you any less.  I cherish my friends.  They got me through some of the hardest times in my life when I didn't have family close by.  The friends that hug you, hold you, serve you, and uplift you are great but it's even better when you reciprocate it back.

During this time of thanks and gratitude... I wish to say this - For all these, I am simply grateful.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


I've had a lot of hard things happen the last few days.  I don't really feel like talking about it but I know that people praying and sending positive energy and thoughts my way has helped carry me - and my loved ones through these difficult times.

However, when I feel like I have it hard, I look into the lives of others and find that it's not really that bad.  I spend a lot of time volunteering in my daughter's 4th grade class.  Kids in there come from diverse backgrounds; hard home lives, no home life, abusive situations, broken homes, great homes, stable homes... and it's heartbreaking.  

Arriving on campus, I'm almost greeted like a rockstar.  I guess I volunteer a lot... ha ha!  Kids hug me and say they are happy to see me and hope they get to work with me.  As I work with these kids, they struggle with first grade level words and reading books, they have a hard time with multiplication, and my heart breaks.

I sit at the table with them and tell them, "You're so close!  You've almost got it!  I'm so proud of you!  You're so important!"  - just trying to feed them any bit of positive reinforcement that I can, not knowing when they might hear it again.  They get a high five, or "knuckles", a big smile, or even get to keep my pencil when they walk away... It's the simple things that mean a lot to people... 

People need to know that they matter - no matter how young or old they are... everyone matters.

Please, don't forget to be kind and gentle with those around you.  We all need a little bit of patience and love.  It's a privilege to give it.

