
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Today was a hard day.  Mother's Day 2014 proves to be the toughest day I've had since being divorced.  There's more to the difficulty of this day than I have mentioned before, but it's simply this day, last year that one bad choice by my ex, snowballed the demise of any chance of saving our marriage.

This year, it's bittersweet as I got a text from him saying "Happy Mother's Day."  It's been far from happy, or relaxing; it's just like any other day.  But with a bit more pain...

I'm a single mom with twice the burden of providing for my children's happiness, and the hard job of staying positive, held together, and balancing every last dang thing.  There are days I wanna just curl up and cry from sadness and the ache of being lonely.  There are others I am grateful and celebrate the small victories I win each day.  One day I hope this all balances out.

So, while I sit remembering what things could have been, I try to look forward to the future, with faith and hope.  I wait for the day when I don't have a heartache this deep or a pain so sharp.  When one day the wounds of my heart will all be mended.  Until then - I fight for each day.

Here's to days ahead.  I pray that they're better than the previous.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

One Breath At A Time

Those days that get excruciatingly overwhelming and you feel like you can't breathe or think straight... You have to remember how to breathe first.  The wind being kicked out of your sails, the punched in the gut feeling, it ebbs and flows... but remembering to center yourself and breathe is power in moments like that.